Cucurbita pepo
SQUASH-HUBBARD-GREEN was originally a wild squash variety introduced to the USA from the West Indies in 1798. In the 1840s, a seedsman, obtained seeds of this squash variety from Elizabeth Hubbard of Massachusetts & he later introduced it under the name of “Hubbard Squash”. It has long, sturdy prolific vines that produce a good crop of rounded squash that are approx 30 – 40cm long & 20 to 30 cm in diameter with a green-bronze color. It stores very well and features a very fine textured, thick golden yellow flesh that has an excellent flavor.
Sow seed directly into the garden or pots. Plant seeds 15mm deep covering with fine soil. Plant in a sunny location in rich, well-drained soil. Keep fairly well watered and fertilize monthly, but avoid constant over watering and continual use of high-nitrogen fertilizers.