Abelmoschus esculentus
OKRA-RED BURGUNDY a Torpedo-shaped red okra is 5 to 12cm long. The fresh taste is somewhere between eggplant & asparagus. When cooked, the red color disappears & the pods turn green. Magenta stems hold emerald green leaves & intense purple pods & canary yellow flowers with amber throats. The bushy okra grows 3-4′ tall. These pods don’t turn woody as quickly as other varieties. Red Burgundy okra is a heritage variety that is tender, delicious, & beautiful! The beautiful yellow flowers also have a red tinge to them. The attractive plant grows up to 1.2m tall. Best flavor if pods are picked at 7-10 cm. Full maturity at 50-64 days.
In warm areas, sow seed directly outdoors in full sun. Plant seed 1- 1.9cm deep, every 7cm.  After germination thin to 45cm apart. In cool climates, start seed indoors 4-6 weeks before planting outdoors.  Keep ripe pods picked to encourage growth if you stop picking they will stop producing.