Cucurbita pepo
SQUASH-GREEN GEM-SOUTH AFRICAN is a unique round dark green summer squash that is known for its delicious flavour and beautiful green skin. Easily grown in a sunny location, it is related to the butternut and is edible at all stages of its growth. Early gems are the size of golf balls, a full-size gem is about the size of a softball. They have a sweet flavor and can be cooked in a variety of ways.
Sow your gem squash in the sunniest spot in your garden particularly in colder climes, in rich, well-drained soil. Add some compost to the soil before sowing for best results & sow the seeds in rows, 2 cm deep and 1 m apart. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged as this will cause the seeds to rot. Mulching is not necessary as the large leaves of the squash plant provide similar protection from moisture loss.