Abelmoschus esculentus
OKRA-CLEMSON SPINELESS is the most popular okra on the market. The vigorous, 1.2m high plants produce an abundance of dark green, grooved pods without spines. For best flavor harvest the fruit when 6 -7.5cm long. The grooved, straight pods have a full-bodied flavor. Okra is a warm-weather crop, needing both the soil & the nights to be warm before beginning its vigorous growth. Plants begin bearing when about 30cm tall, & will continue until frost if kept picked. Cream colored flowers are also edible & may be stuffed or used as the garnish. Soak seed in warm water overnight to speed germination. Pick pods young, while still tender.
In warm areas, sow seed directly outdoors in full sun. In cool climates, start seed indoors 4-6 weeks before planting outdoors.  Keep ripe pods picked to encourage production if you stop picking they will stop producing.