Cucumis anguria
CUCUMBER-WEST INDIAN BURR-GHERKIN Once known as the Round Prickly Cucumber but now more commonly known as the West India Burr Gherkin. It’s reliable, drought tolerant, heat loving & hardy. For many years the presumed origin of this curious old vegetable was thought to be Jamaica, but in fact, it originated in Africa & was introduced into Jamaica in connection with the slave trade in the seventeenth century. Grows vigorously & produces small, oval-shaped, green plump, spiny fruit. 5 – 7cm. Used fresh in salads, soups, or pickled. Pick whilst still young. Does best in warmer weather. Heavy producer.
Sow seeds direct into well-prepared beds with added compost. Soil must be 20°C or above for best germination results. Press 4 seeds into a hole and then later to 2 seedlings. Can be grown on a small trellis.