Anethum graveolens
HERB-DILL (SALE) (Anethum graveolens) is an aromatic herb belonging to the celery family, Apiaceae, and can be easily grown in your garden or indoors in a pot. Widely used in culinary and medicinal applications, it is known for its delicate, feathery leaves and distinctive flavor that combines hints of anise and citrus. Cultivated for centuries, Dill is a staple in many global cuisines, particularly in Eastern European, Scandinavian, and Middle Eastern dishes. The fresh leaves, commonly known as dill weed, are often used to season fish, soups, pickles, and salads, while the seeds provide a warm, slightly bitter taste ideal for spice blends and herbal teas. Beyond its culinary appeal, dill has been traditionally used for its digestive and antimicrobial properties, making it a valued herb in natural medicine.
Dill is native to southern Russia, West Africa & the Mediterranean region. The seeds are stronger & more flavourful than the leaves & are most commonly associated with the food of Scandinavia and Germany. Its green leaves are wispy and fernlike & have a soft, sweet taste.
Surface sow in well-drained, rich, moist soil. Dill likes to be planted in cool weather. In warm winter areas that don’t experience a hard frost, you can plant dill in autumn or winter. In cooler areas, plant dill a week or two before your last hard frost. After the first sowing, plant again every 10 days or so for a constant crop.