Helianthus annuus
FLOWER-SUNFLOWER-EVENING SUN A Giant of a sunflower with colors ranging from red, mahogany red, burgundy, russet-bronze & vivid gold, all in bicolor blends. Plants grow 6 to 8 feet tall with a number of secondary blooms. Blazing with color in your garden, as brilliant & bold as a summer sunset, Evening Sun is a must-have for any sunflower enthusiast! Summer isn’t summer without sunflowers, they not only look fabulous but are also magnets for beneficial insects.
Sunflowers are annuals that can be sown where they are to flower. Ensure that they are planted in a fertile, well-drained, sunny position in the garden. Sow seeds directly into the garden about 30cm apart. As a general rule seed can be sown to double the depth of the seed and cover with soil. It is important to water the seeds regularly and to keep the bed weed free. Water with a liquid fertilizer (Seasol) every 2 to 3 weeks to boost the height.