Solanum melongena
EGGPLANT-THAI ROUND GREEN are small round green Asian eggplants are about the size of a crab apple, they can be eaten raw with chilli sauce or cooked in curries, a crisp texture when raw and soft texture when cooked. They have a delicate flavour, and absorb the flavour of the curry or stir fry they are cooked in. They discolour rapidly once cut, so drop them into salted water if you are preparing them in advance.
Plant eggplant seed 2.5cm apart in pots or seed trays and cover with fine soil, well pressed down When the plants are 5 to 7.5cm tall, transplant in rows 60 – 90cm apart, spacing plants 60cm apart in the row. Cut the ripe eggplant instead of pulling from plant to avoid plant injury. Keep moist and not wet. Fertilise every 2-4 weeks.