Brassica oleracea
KALE-BLUE CURLED-DWARF is a very compact, hardy & easy to grow kale. This dwarf grows 30 to 45cm tall & produces plenty of tender & delicate, densely curled green leaves with a bluish tinge. Introduced before 1865 & popular ever since. It is one of the least difficult & hardiest plants in the wide & varied Brassica tribe & it is immune to most of the disease that trouble many Brassicas. Kale is extremely cold hardy but it will also grow in temps as high as 35°C. A cut & come again crop, leaves can be harvested as needed. Pick whilst young for use in salads or leave to mature for use like cabbage.
Sow the seeds in a seedbed. The timing is not vital because kale will germinate in temps as low as 2°C & as high as 35°C. When the plant is about 22cm high & four leaves have developed transplant them to their final positions. They should be planted slightly deeper than they grew in the seedbed.