Nepeta cataria
HERB-CAT NIP contains an active ingredient which is especially attractive & exciting for cats (approx. 30% of cats do not react). Another interesting effect is that nepetalactone is effective repellent for mosquitoes & flies. The leaves can also be used as a condiment for meat dishes. Effects of an infusion – antispasmodic & a diuretic, but should not be eaten during pregnancy. In the garden the plant can reach a height of 80 cm the flowers are bluish/lilac & are loved by bees.
Sow seeds lightly & cover with a light layer of soil. Keep plants full by pinching the growing stems & flower buds when they appear. The small white flowers that appear in the summer will form seeds that sprout; the plant also spreads via underground runners. Some cats are very rough on plants so to keep plants from being loved to death, try interspersing with bamboo stakes to prevent cats from rolling on top of the plant.