Lathyrus odoratus
FLOWER-SWEET PEA-ROYAL FAMILY MIX has very large, ruffled, fragrant flowers with long stems, 1.2 – 1.5 mtr & blooms of purple, crimson, lavender, mid-blue, navy blue, rose pink, salmon pink, scarlet, and white. Vigorous vines that are easy to grow & train to a trellis. Excellent for cut flowers. Prefers full sunny locations, needs adequate moisture. Removing spent blooms & stalks prolongs the blooming season. Can also cascade from a hanging basket or decorative container. Absolutely beautiful.
Annual Sow outdoors. Germinate at 20-30°C on the surface of a free draining, damp seed compost, 3 seeds per 7.5cm pot then apply a layer of compost 1cm deep. Place in a polythene bag until after germination.