Lathyrus odoratus
FLOWER-SWEET PEA-BIJOU MIX is a dwarf sweet pea vine with a much more contained growth habit than the larger trailing varieties. A lovely addition to any garden this variety produces masses of sweetly fragrant, pastel-colored blooms of lavender, blue, pink, red & white. It has a long flowering period & its compact growth makes them ideal in beds, borders & containers. An easy plant to grow, Bijou is considered a superior sweet pea requiring no support & only growing 30 to 45cm tall, flowers are sweetly scented and slightly larger than some other popular varieties.
Sow outdoors. Germinate at 20-30°C on the surface of a free draining, damp seed compost, 3 seeds per 7.5cm pot then apply a layer of compost 1cm deep. Place in a polythene bag until after germination.