FLOWER-SNAPDRAGON GIANT MIX have been a garden favorite since the 1700s. Originating in the Mediterranean region, this flower gets its name from its unusual blossoms that look like a dragon’s head. They are a particular favorite of children who like to pinch the blossoms & make the dragon mouth open & close. Their large, blossom-laden flower heads are faintly fragrant & come in a wide assortment of bright colors. The vertical flower spikes open gradually from the bottom to the top. A single snapdragon plant may produce seven or eight blossom spikes in the course of a summer. Height 50 – 75cm (20 – 30”)
To sow, keep seeds in the fridge for 2 days before planting, then lightly press fine seeds into soil & pat down lightly. When plants reach 5-7.5cm high, transplant them 25-30cm apart. Since plants that develop buds most likely will not survive to transplant, be sure to plant them out before they reach that point. They prefer full sun & well-drained soil, though they can tolerate partial shade. Pinch back after bloom to encourage a second flush.