Mesembryanthemum criniflorum
FLOWER-LIVINGSTON DAISY MIX Low growing, ideal for carpeting, borders and rockeries, needs full sun for flowers to open, tolerates heat and dry, likes well drained soil. Neon colours including rose, crimson, buff, pink, primrose and golden apricot flowers, short plant to 10cm These colourful annual needs full bright sun. Soil should be well drained and not too fertile. Water sparingly throughout growing season. Ideal for rockery plantings, containers, hillsides & as summer annual ground cover.
Sow late winter to spring or early autumn 15-20c in seed mix. Sow seed on surface of soil & gently firm down. Keep soil damp but not wet, but do not exclude light, which is beneficial to germination. Sealing in a polythene bag after sowing is also helpful. Germination usually takes 15-21 days.