Cleome hassleriana
Believed to originate from the West Indies it is now found in many tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world. Known by many names- cat’s whiskers, grandfathers whiskers, spider legs and said to deter deer and rabbits due to its unusual smell something like citronella. Used by native American Indian for medicinal purposes. Leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, seeds can be eaten raw or ground into flower. Versatile plant used for making dyes, paint, soap and deodorant, it grows to approx. 1.5 meters with purple, pink or white petals with 6 stamen.
Plant after last frost. Sprinkle on fertile well drained soil and cover lightly as seeds need sun and warmth to sprout. Germinates in 10 to 14 days, but they can take longer. Thin out to 20cm apart. Drought and heat tolerant they are prolific re-seeders, so remove flower heads before the turn to seed.