Basella alba
SPINACH-CEYLON-MALABAR also known as Basella alba, is a tender, fast-growing, climbing vine growing up to 3 meters tall. It grows strongly in reasonably fertile soils with regular watering & is suitable for container growing. It has thick heart-shaped leaves and white turning to pink flowers. Only the leaves & young stems are eaten. The leaves & young tips are best prepared fresh. After thorough washing, the short succulent tips can be used fresh in salads or pureed for adding to vegetable drinks. medicinally Ceylon Spinach has been traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti-cancer agent.
Sow thinly about 12mm deep and keep moist. Prefers a shady area. Successive sowings will increase the harvesting period. Harvest leaves as required, picking only a few from each plant.